The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) address the question, how much sugar is OK to eat for health?
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The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) address the question, how much sugar is OK to eat for health?
It’s been five years since we spoke with Professor Louise Burke about low-carb diets for sports and we ask her if anything has changed.
Fructose – also called fruit sugar, can be found in all fruits along with another type of sugar called glucose. Fructose is naturally in honey, maple sugar, fruits, berries, some vegetables (e.g. cassava, onions, potatoes) and even found in some grains.
Sugar is a naturally occurring carbohydrate that can be found in many common foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products. All carbohydrates are macronutrients. The amount of total sugars in the foods we consume varies depending on the type of food, if it’s manufactured and what’s added to it or not.
Australia’s children is a new report issued by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) that examines the most recent data on children and families across seven domains: health, education, social support, household income and finance, parental employment, housing, and justice and safety.
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